Worship 411: Current Topic

The Christmas Story has been told and passed down from generation to generation.We know the characters—Mary, Joseph, shepherds, wise men, angels, the innkeeper, and of course—Jesus! But, there is more to each of these characters than meets the eye.

The experiences of several of these characters in the Christmas Story can help us to discover even more about this amazing story than we ever thought was possible. God send His Son as a GIFT to the world! He was our Savior, our King, our Lord!
But, God also has many other GIFTs that He wants to give each of us. We are reminded of these gifts when we read the Christmas Story. God loves to give GIFTs to His children. The Angel told Mary that she would give birth to a Son that would be the Savior of the World, giving God’s undeserved love to every human being. That’s the GIFT of Grace! Mary visited her cousin, Elizabeth, shortly after this news. When she arrived, the baby in Elizabeth’s womb (John the Baptist) leaped for joy! God wants to give each of us
the GIFT of Joy as well! The Angels appeared before the shepherds and sang a song of “Peace on Earth.”
God wants to give us the GIFT of Peace when our lives seem upside down. After Jesus’ birth, some Wise Men came to see Him. When we need wisdom, that is where we should go as well—to Jesus. He gives the
Gift of Wisdom to all who ask for it.
So, enjoy this journey of discovery as we look at four of the main characters of the Christmas Story!
Adapted from High Voltage Children's Ministry "The Gift" lesson introduction

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