Nursery/Cradle Roll Classes

Yes, Jesus Loves Me
Yes, Jesus Loves Me
Yes, Jesus Loves Me
The Bible Tells Me So

Now, imagine a room full of children 12 months and up singing this familiar tune as they are learning their first words. Imagine them hugging their Bibles or singing "What Time Is It". We know that our little ones are developing their first impressions of the world, their families and their church families. That's why we teach our babies just like we teach our preschoolers and elementary kids. They learn through song, story, and bright colorful toys.

Our classes are as follows:
Sunday AM Birth to 18 months: Noah's Ark
Sunday AM 18 months and up: Creation
Sunday AM Worship: Attended nursery including playtime and snacks.
Sunday PM Life Groups: Attended nursery
Wednesday PM class birth - 24 months: General Bible Class Songs
Once children are 2.5 years olds, their teachers may determine to move them to our transition class in the preschool area across the hall. Please do not move your child to this class unless instructed by the teachers or the children's minister.

Nursery Playground with artificial turf to keep kids clean.

18 Month Old Class

Finding Jesus in the Bible

Cuddle time with Mr. Jeff, one of our Bible Class assistants

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