Preschool Ministry

Our preschool ministry is made up of children that turned 3 by September 1st, 2011. They attend classes in our preschool area, that includes a "check-in" room with nametags and cubbies as well as two small classrooms and one large classroom with centers. Our preschool classes are as follows:
Sunday AM Bible Class: Faithweaver Curriculum
Sunday AM Worship (King's Court):  Kid's Own Worship
Sunday PM (Noah's Ark): Chronological stories of the Bible from Karyn Henley's "The Beginners Bible"
Wednesday PM: FW Friends
Two & Three Year olds also meet in this area as a transition class to preschool. They must be over 2.5 years old and recommended to move to this class by their cradle roll teacher. They are also learning major Bible stories in chronological order.

* Faithweaver, Kid's Own Worship and FW Friends is a curriculum system by Group Publishing that teaches the same Bible story, in three unique ways, in order to increase learner retention and application. Click here for more specific information.
Preschool Welcome Room with Cubbies and Nametags

4's/5's Bible Classroom

Centers Room: Noah's Ark and King's Court

2's/3's Classroom

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