Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Update on Classroom Renovations

If you have children in the nursery, you probably have noticed that things are just slightly different week after week. However, you may not know that we have been working diligently at cleaning up and doing some minor remodeling to the old "extended care" to create some new preschool classrooms.

I'm very excited about this work. For the first time, ever, we have space to work with without feeling cramped around the schools much needed equipment. We are also able to make some key decision on the location of our classroom to address certain needs that we have.

For instance, if you have ever had a child in Cradle Roll, Preschool and Elementary, you know that you have to go all over our building to take children to class. Now, Cradle Roll and Preschool will be on the same 1st floor hallway with elementary located directly above. The advantage to our parents and visitors are numerous, starting with an easy drop off and pick up. Volunteers will be able to help each other and not be spread thin covering different area's of the building.

I wanted to share some pictures of the work as it stands today, Tuesday, November 30th. I also want to ask that you each pray about your involvement in the coming months in decorating and maintaining this classrooms. We no longer have part-time and full-time school teachers to do it for us. We get to step up in our ownership of these rooms and our ability to make them kid friendly and attractive.

Please see the next article for the album detailing the work in progress. If you are available at any time this week to help decorate and organize, please contact me!

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