Thursday, November 11, 2010

Worship 411 Update

Many of you have asked when we will begin Worship 411 again. Worship 411, for our elementary children, was halted at the end of last school year as Chuck DeBenon and Carri Tacker stepped aside for a much needed break.

We are still open to restarting Worship 411 when we have at least 4 teams of two adults to lead the elementary children's worship. I think it will be important to have the team approach so that our volunteers do not feel over-committed.

At the same time, we still need additional consistent volunteers in some of Sunday morning Bible classes, so, we must be careful to not draw volunteers already teaching away from their current responsibilities or overwhelm them with too many classes. I have a couple of volunteers that are teaching 3 times a week right now!

If you feel that an elementary children's worship is important to your family and to visitors that we may be reaching out to in our community, I encourage you to step up and let me know that you'd like to lead in this ministry.

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