We love our babies and parents. We want all babies and parents to feel that their children are in a loving, safe, and Godly environment. In order to better serve our families, we have reviewed and are changing some of policies. Please read the information below.
1) Check-in stickers are provided at the check-in table. Always be sure that your child has a sticker on their back, on their diaper bag and that the parents keep the stub for pick-up. Permanent diaper bag tags are also available.
2) All nursery workers should report BY 10:00 AM. You may need to leave your Bible Class early to be in the nursery on time.
3) Drop-off for nursery will not begin until 10:05 AM. You may pick-up your baby from Cradle Roll during this time but you may not drop-off any child that did not attend Cradle Roll until 10:05 or after. We plan to have the door closed and room only accessible to staff during this time. This will allow our nursery staff to report for duty and be ready to accept your child so that we have adequate supervision.
4) Plan to drop your child at the door. Jessica or I will be at the door to receive your child. Do not enter the classroom to drop-off or pick-up your child. Only volunteers and babies will be allowed to enter the classroom. We feel that the traffic flow is too heavy to keep our children completely safe. Alternate rooms will be provide for parents that need to be with their child and that information is below.
5) The name tag provided by the nursery includes a parent pick-up tag. Anyone presenting the tag will be allowed to pick-up the child. Teens will no longer be allowed to pick up children. If you need a teenager to pick up a child, they must have the pick-up tag.
The room across the hall from the bathroom (called the nursing mom's room or comfort room) will be a "Quiet Room" for nursing moms and women rocking their babies. The room connected to this room (called extended care) will be a "Changing Room" with a rocking chair provided, for the use of men and women. We are requesting that a speaker be installed in this room as soon as possible so parents may hear the sermon in this room as well.
Thank you to all of our volunteers that serve regularly in our Cradle Roll and Nursery. These babies need you and you have answered that call!
Thanks to Jessica Mynes for her work coordinating our Cradle Roll, Jana Kay McHam for scheduling nursery volunteers, and Pat Elkins for setting up the nursery. If you'd like to help on the leadership team for the Cradle Roll and Nursery, you are needed. Please see any of us to get started!
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