So, we've been studying the 10 commandants this quarter and applying those to our lives as children. Tonight, I challenged the class to memorize the 10 commandments. I don't want this to be hard, just, keep it simple. Here are the 10 commandments from the New Living Translation that should be easy for the kids. Oh yeah, if they do this by the end of November, I'll get them a prize for their hard work.
1) You must not have any other god before me.
2) You must not make an idol for yourselves.
3) You must not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
4) Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
5) Honor your father and mother.
6) You must not murder.
7) You must not commit adultery.
8) You must not steal.
9) You must not testify falsely against your neighbor.
10) You must not covet your neighbors belongs.
Parents, I thought that you may like to know that your children were very certain that committing murder is wrong. The class had the opportunity to make up rules for our classroom and I'm pretty sure, "do not murder or do something to kill someone during Bible class" showed up in the rules and as a consequence of most things they could do wrong while in class. They were very clear to point out through numerous stories the ways someone could die in Bible class, all very unrealistic, thankfully! Trust, me, I kept trying to change the topic. But, then we talked about stealing. Stealing is just as wrong, right? Unless it's "cheating" on a test, at which point the class got a little fuzzy on the correct answer. Isn't that the way it usually works? There are those BIG SINS that we just know are wrong and wouldn't ever dream of doing. But, what about little gray sins, like, smarting off to parents, looking at someone's answers on their test, and putting things and hobby's before God? Parents, you can help children see those gray area's as black and white by helping them understand their actions in the context of God's commands. Kids observe the actions of their parents, their peers, and their teachers and they match it up with their reality and understanding of truth. When it doesn't match, it's fuzzy in their minds and creates a moral conflict that they have to reconcile for themselves. With a little guidance from parents, God's truth can become crystal clear and cemented in their lives.
God's blessings on you as you have these faith talks with your children.
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