Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Family Activities - Ways to get involved

Some of you missed Sunday's Fellowship Lunch and Meeting but wanted to know how you might help out. The sign up sheets will be on the bulletin board by the offices. Here are the available opportunities. Be sure to email me or drop by the bulletin board to sign up!

Parent Child Events

Father/Son co-host with Lance Bell
Mother/Daughter co-host with Erin Malone

Girls Night Out:
Event planner for June and December.

Guys Night Out:
Event planner for July, October, January

Family Night Out:
Event planner for May, November and February

Sunday Lunches:
Host/Hostess of 2nd Sunday Lunches make plans for the meal and decide if it will be held at the church building (potluck, catered) or held at a local restaurant with space for 30-50 people. We'd like to advertise the location/details for 2 to 3 weeks before each meal.
Host/Hostess needed for: June, July, August, September, December

During the school year, the play dates will be mostly for at-home Moms with toddlers and preschoolers, though, everyone is invited. During the summer, play dates may include all ages as kids are out of school.
Hostess Needed: July, August, September, October, November, December, January and February.

There are also sign up sheets to plan the parties (Easter, Christmas, Valentines), be contacted to deliver meals to those that have had babies, and to work in the nursery.

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